Class of 2019

I am officially going to be college graduate. I think the last four years of my life has been an emotional roller coaster. I am still in shock that I am actually graduating this year. The past few week have also been hectic. I have endless work due before finals week and fortunately I completed…

SPARC Festival 2019

SPARC Festival is this week which is a “festival” to showcase projects and presentations that students have been working on all semester. I was first introduced to it my Freshman year. I don’t have to present at SPARC because my major is Health Science and it wasn’t necessary for me. SPARC is very popular among…

Easter Eggs

Easter break is about to happen and it is time to look our Sunday best. I think it is important to celebrate Easter and embrace all the things it symbolizes. I am happy for our upcoming break because I need it to catch up on some work and find the dress for formal. Since our…

Red, white, or black?

I am trying to find the perfect dress for formal 2019. Seniors have a formal dance every year before they graduate. This year’s formal is on the weekend before finals; which is stupid and annoying. My first color choice in a dress was red because it stands out and makes a statement. Finding a red…

What is private on the internet?

Privacy is something that doesn’t exist on the internet. Everything we post is out for the public and cannot be unseen because it has been posted on the worldwide web. People can delete things and and have only their friends see their posts; but nowadays people can take screenshots and retweet. Once you post something,…

YouTube’s the new TV

YouTube is the new way to watch television now. Everything and anything can be seen on YouTube. This platform has provided us with many necessities in regards to how we watch our programs. It is crazy to see how YouTube has changed throughout the years because it was actually intended to be a dating app….

Insta Famous

Instagram is the way to get paid now when you don’t want to really work. I think social media is playing a big role in how young adults make their money. Instagram is used for both personal and business purposes. You can create a brand off Instagram and make millions while doing so. Posts can…

Back to School

Spring Break is over and now school is in session. I find it very difficult to come back and readjust to being on a schedule again. My Spring Break was pretty fun and eventful. I met tons of people and was very open to talking to strangers. I am normally very antisocial. I don’t really…

Spring Break 2019

Today is Spring Break for me and my roommates. We aren’t going to class tomorrow because we have a flight to catch. Everyone is doing the same cliche thing and going to Florida. This break, my roommates and I are going to Florida! Yay Florida! Just kidding, we’re going to Florida but only for one…